“Dialogue” is a happy word, along with
other happy words like “inclusive”, “tolerance”, and “acceptance”. It is assumed by our culture that all
reasonable people are open to dialogue—that is, open to hearing the other
person’s point of view, and to a respectful exchange of views, and to possibly
changing one’s own view in favour of the opposing viewpoint if the arguments of
the other person are found to be compelling.
Dialogue is good. We do not
assume we are correct in all our views to such a degree that we will not even
give an opposing viewpoint a respectful hearing. Our western civilization, I suggest, is based
on a willingness to dialogue. One might
even suggest that such openness to changing one’s mind is rooted in a Biblical
world-view: God calls us to such
dialogue when He says through the prophet Isaiah, “Come, let us reason
together” (Isaiah 1:18).
the importance of true dialogue to our civilization’s health, it is all the
more distressing to find that willingness to dialogue is dying. People still talk and respond to each other,
of course, but the exchanges are more like a boxing match than true
dialogue. That is, people are not really
open to hearing what the other person says, and then responding to it. Their mind is already made up, and the
arguments of the other person are regarded more or less as mere room-noise. Their responses are simply attempts to land a
verbal punch.
for example the current debate on homosexuality. In perusing Facebook exchanges, for example,
I see that true debate rarely if ever occurs.
The side speaking in favour of homosexuality holds to a number of
dogmas, and nothing anyone says will cause them to question them. These dogmas are:
- Anyone
who asserts that homosexual practice is sinful hates homosexuals and may
properly be denounced as homophobic.
- The
classic distinction between sin and sinner and any talk about hating the
sin while loving the sinner is simply an attempt to mask one’s hatred of
- All
homosexuals were born with that innate and inalterable orientation.
- Science
has proved this conclusively.
- Since
people were born this way, that is how God made them, and homosexuality
must therefore be accepted as a legitimate lifestyle.
- Anyone
quoting the verses from Leviticus denouncing homosexuality are logically
committed to putting every Levitical law into the American criminal code.
- There is no distinction between private peccadillo and public ideology. Thus, for example, if a baker would serve a customer who has what he considers a private peccadillo (such as homosexuality), he is bound also to serve at public function which promotes such a lifestyle or ideology (such as a gay wedding or a Gay Pride event).
These dogmas are fixed in their mind, and
no amount of dialogue or argument will ever dislodge them. If someone attempts this and says that he
actually does not hate homosexuals,
but in fact has a number of close friends who are gay and they all get along
just fine, this assertion is simply disallowed.
It is judged an impossibility, because “anyone who asserts that
homosexual practice is sinful hates homosexuals”. If someone quotes scientific opinions to the
effect that at least some cases of homosexuality might not to innate, that also
is simply disallowed, because “all homosexuals were born with that innate and
inalterable orientation”. If someone
cites the prohibitions of homosexuality in Leviticus, one is told that they then
must logically push for stoning people for gathering sticks on the Sabbath,
since that also is in Leviticus. It is
no use to attempt to distinguish between laws reflecting timeless morality
(such as “You shall love your neighbour as yourself”; Leviticus 19:18), and
those laws reflecting a time-bound theocratic state (such as the one about
keeping the Sabbath). Such an attempt to
nuance and distinguish in is simply disallowed, because “anyone quoting the
verses from Leviticus denouncing homosexuality are logically committed to putting
every Levitical law into the American criminal code”. Those committed to legitimizing homosexuality
rarely in my experience seem capable of true dialogue, and any attempt at it
will inevitably result in a recitation of one or more of the dogmas outlined
above. It is as if the mind has been
caught in an endless loop, like a record stuck in the same groove which keeps on
repeating. One does not need to refute
the thoughtful arguments of others to win the debate; all that is required is a
forceful recitation of one of the dogmas.
To be sure, there are plenty of people
speaking against homosexuality who do the same thing and also cannot seem to
engage in true dialogue. Their dogmas
- Homosexuals
are all going to hell because the Bible condemns homosexuality.
- Because
God hates homosexuality He would never make anyone a homosexual and so no
one was born with a homosexual orientation.
- Any
homosexual therefore could change his or her sexual orientation if they
really wanted to.
- Faithful Christians may legitimately hate homosexuals.
Once again, it is no use arguing with anyone in this mindset. If you say that you think at least some homosexuals were born with such an orientation, this is simply disallowed. It cannot be, because "no one was born with a homosexual orientation". Again, real proof of the assertion is not required, simply the recitation of the dogma. One could go on, but you get the idea.
In this important debate there are plenty of folk on both sides who simply are not
listening or responding to the arguments of the other side. What is needed, if civilization is to resist
the current drift toward disallowing politically incorrect opinions, and toward
draconian enforcement of politically ascendant norms, is more real listening
and more true dialogue. Granted it is
hard work to pay close attention to people we find irritating and whose
opinions we abhor. But that hard work is
essential if real civilization is to continue.
it is all very discouraging. When
thoughtful Christians try to argue their case for traditional sexual morality
in the public forum, their argument doesn’t get very far. That is, I submit, because a dialogue is not
actually occurring. The other side is
not listening. They are simply talking
to themselves. If this continues to be
the case, it is best to recognize this sad fact and cope with it. What does coping with it involve? Well, in the early church it meant taking canonical
there comes a time in some exchanges when further debate and dialogue are
useless, for neither side in the debate share enough common presuppositions for
them to reach an agreement. Sometimes,
even after true debate and with all the good will in the world, the two sides
share incompatible first principles, and so can never reach consensus no matter
how long they talk. When that happened
in (say) the first century with St. Paul and his Judaizing opponents, there was
nothing for it but to agree to disagree.
And since the debate was not over trifles but over something basic, this
involved the Church drawing a canonical line in the sand and declaring the
other side outside the Church.
happened again in the fourth century.
The debate over the nature of Christ—was He God Almighty in the flesh or
not—raged on and on. Eventually it
became apparent that continued debate with Arius and his supporters would not
result in consensus, since they were following a different set of first
principles. As this involved something
basic to Christian discipleship there was nothing for it but to take canonical
action and to anathematize Arianism.
Note: this did not involve hating
Arians or refusing them service when they walked into your Constantinopolitan barber
shop. It just meant that the person confessing
Arianism was no longer a part of the Church.
It seems that we
may rapidly be reaching this now over the issue of homosexuality. The issue is not marginal, but basic to
salvation and to what a life of Christian obedience to God looks like. Let us hope that the possibility of true
dialogue is not really dead and that it is not quite time to throw in the towel. Our task is to remain faithful to our inherited
apostolic Tradition, and to argue for it as irenically and persuasively as we
But if it at
length it becomes apparent that there remains no possibility of convincing the
other side with argument, the Church has little choice if it would remain
faithful to its timeless Tradition. The time will have come to draw our
canonical line in the sand over this and declare that we Orthodox no longer
regard as fellow-Christians those who insist on contradicting the Tradition. Obviously we will continue to love them, as
we love everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike. But the line in the sand must be drawn.